Functional Neurology

The examination and treatments provided at ProPerformance are based on the practice of functional neurology. Functional neurology is a specialty that builds on clinical neuroscience and uses advanced procedures and therapies to help improve or re-establish optimal neurological processes. Our functional neurological approach provides carefully determined, cautious, and safe care that aims to improve neurological function. These interventions include various sources of input through visual, physical, and other neurological pathways. Rehabilitation is achieved through neuroplasticity, allowing the neurons in the brain to reorganize and form new neural connections. Therapeutic goals are determined by a thorough examination, assessment, review of records and consultation with the patient and additional specialists, as required.

Most of our patients have been through many other types of care programs, and still struggle to live within the limits imposed by their injuries. After a careful intake process and examination, our clinical staff will discuss treatment options with you and, if there is a reasonable expectation of clinical improvement, offer you the option of continuing under their care. Every person is unique so it is impossible to predict how responsive individuals may be to functional neurological practices. This individuality means that no two people respond to care in exactly the same manner. However, the human body is a wonderful, marvelous creation; it is capable of self-organization and self-healing. Our approach to treatment embraces the possibility for greater neuroplasticity and improved function of the nervous system.

We take pride in our ability to offer innovative, science-based approaches in an attempt to address what, for many, are profound limitations in their function and quality of life. We look forward to partnering with you to explore what your individual responses may bring to your life and your future.