
Our NeuroReset program is focused on using various science-based, highly effective therapies and exercises to promote the process of neuroplasticity in order to restore brain functionality. Neuroplasticity, also referred to as neural plasticity, is the ability of neural pathways in the brain to change, reorganize, and reconnect. The brain is constantly changing in response to various experiences. New behaviors, new learnings, and even environmental changes or physical injuries may all stimulate the brain to create new neural pathways or reorganize existing ones, fundamentally altering how information is processed. Rather than passively waiting to see how the brain might respond to circumstances, it is possible to direct this capacity for change, targeting improvements in specific key abilities.

At ProPerformance, we understand the principles of neuroplasticity and develop individualized treatment plans to improve brain functionality and quality of life. Throughout the program, objective measurements are utilized and adjustments are made as the patient progresses.

Candidates for this program include those suffering from:

  • Brain Inflammation & Brain Fog

  • Dysautonomia, POTS

  • Migraines

  • Neurodegenerative Disorders

  • Vestibular/Balance Disorders (ex: BPPV, Mal de Debarquement)

  • Visual Motion Sensitivity, Photophobia, Ocular Deviations

  • Chronic Pain

  • Stroke

  • Dizziness or Vertigo

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Anxiety, Depression

  • Long COVID

  • and more…